Saturday 7 March 2009


I don't suppose many people would see swearing as being bad, but I do!! However, I'm not saying that I don't swear, because I do! But I wish I didnt! I feel that swearing is vulgar and the fact that it has become part of our language and used in everyday language is disappointing. People swear for many different reasons and there are so many different ways of swearing. Teenagers tend to swear a lot because they are trying to impress their friends, I swear when I'm angry, which I think is the reason most people swear, but I will admit, it is not attractive on a woman to swear. Nor is it attractive for a man to swear, but for some reason for a woman to swear seems worse than a man swearing! Am I alone on that thought?!

When looking at why people swear I was quite surprised when I read that people often swear because it is a way to releive stress like crying does for a child. I do not agree with the theory that women swear to be like men! I do agree that men swear more so to show their masculinity and power.

According to the First Amendment people have the right to say what they want when and where they want, therefore meaning that it should not really be frowned upon when a person does swear. However, as I read on I noticed that swearing falls under the category of obscenity which falls under the category of unprotected speech which is not included in the Amendment. 'The unprotected speech exclusion is one of the reasons why the FCC can create and enforce decency rules for broadcast television and radio.'

So that is mainly the beginning of the reasons why people are frowned upon for swearing. I don't like it, and as I said I wish I could stop, but I do only swear when I'm angry, so I think I'm not being too bad! But I deffinately do not agree with swearing when people swear every other word....there's no need!

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