Sunday 8 March 2009

Alcohol Abuse

Everyone enjoys a drink now and then, to let off steam after a bad day at work or to simply relax and settle down. However it is becomming more and more common for people to binge drink and then cause harm to others and themselves. It is often a big hype that when the weekend comes everyone is going to go out and get 'wasted' and 'off their heads', just for 'the hell of it'. I do not have a problem with drinking alcohol but I do think that people should be more responsible, there is afterall, a difference between having a good time and drinking so much you are unable to walk.

Alcohol abuse is often the start of fights and incidents such as 'glassing'. I read an article in a magazine the other day about girls who were studying at University but they had been put in prison because they had drank too much on a certain occasion and ended up causing bodily harm to others when they glassed them. One of the girls admitted how much she regrets doing what she did, and she blamed the alcohol for her actions. Drinking too much alcohol can be dangerous, not just for the person themselves but also for others around them. It does make people act out of character and it is not always fun.

So, how much is too much? Well according to the website I found when researching the topic, 'Current UK guidelines recommend that men don't drink more than three or four units of alcohol a day, and that women limit their intake to two or three units a day. You shouldn't save up units through the week and use them to binge at the weekend, and at least one day a week should be alcohol-free.'

I didn't realise that if you drank a lot of alcohol too often, then it can increase the chance of people getting certain diseases. And excessive drinking has also been linked to:
sexual problems
muscle disease
skin problems

I understand that anyone reading this may think 'she's boring' but it isnt that. As I said, I have no objection to a drink here and there now and then, but surely life is more important than drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and suffering for it long term?!

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