Wednesday 25 March 2009

Cyber Bullying

I heard on the news that billboards are being made to make people aware of cyber bullying and I think this could be a very good idea seeing as there is more and more bullying happening on the internet nowadays what with the growth of websites like Facebook and Myspace, it is easy to track people down and be abusive.

I don't agree with the point that sometimes people don't realise they are bullying another person. If you are bullying someone, then you know it and you have an intention. It's a shame that people are actually committing suicide over being bullied. Having experienced bullying I can understand how low it makes people feel however to commit suicide over it is unnecessary as the person being bullied will always be seen as the better person eventually. The bullies are just immature and got nothing better to do. I think the billboards will definately help to raise awareness, however I'm not so sure whether it will make things stop, hopefully it will but I also think that bullying can be seen as part of growing up. It cannot be expected that everyone will get along, everyone is different and there's always going to be 'the more popular girl/boy'. I'm in no way suggesting bullying is ok, because it's not.

I definately agree that children who are being cyber bullied need to speak up so it will stop. They should be able to go to their parents or teachers, because it is important to have that trust there. If you don't speak up then nothing can be done because people won't necessarily know it is happening. If you speak up then you can get help and I really think children should know this...however I also understand they are scared. More support should be given to children over this, as it is as we have seen in the news recently, a killer. I just hope the billboards have a positive effect and not a negative one.

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