Tuesday 3 March 2009


This is a subject that I have mixed feelings about. I don't agree with shoplifting, I do think it's wrong however I can sympathise with some people who do it. I feel sorry for the people who steal things because they have no money and are in desperate need to eat, it's a basic human need, so I do feel sorry for them. However, I don't think people should just see it as the way it has to be. I think it's so easy nowadays to get help from people, that they should seek for help.

When looking at reasons for why people do shoplift I found a website which is a Jehovah Witness Website. They liken stealing to Robin Hood, and say that he felt the need to steal from the rich for the poor. Poverty therefore is seen as a major issue and reason for why people shoplift.

Another reason is the thrill and the sense of power it brings. To be able to pick something up and walk out of a shop without paying, for some people, is an immense feeling, and as though they have accomplished power over the people who work in the store. But that for everyone else, is not acceptable behaviour.

Peer pressure is also another reason for people, especially teenagers, stealing. They think that by stealing from a shop they are proving to their 'friends' that they are worthy enough to be a part of that certain group of friends. They may not want to do it, but feel they must in order to be accepted and not beaten up. It's a sad scenario however, once again, help can be found! People just need to open their mouths, admit what they've done and that they need help and surely someone out there will be the right person to help them.

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