Saturday 28 March 2009


I am against hunting and view it as being bad because I don't agree with getting pleasure out of an animals misery, upset and death. A defenceless animal has no other choice than to run from a predator and I think it barbaric for people to class hunting as a sport. It sickens me to think that people actually enjoy doing this. Even when people argue that the animals aren't hurt and are killed in a non-pain way, it still is not acceptable. I really think something needs to be done to stop this 'bad behaviour' because it is unfair to the poor, innocent animals that have done nothing, and yet get hunted for fun!

I disagree that being hunted is a natural part of wildlife. Obviously animals are predators to other animals but in the case of hunting the humans are the ones who are out to kill the harmless innocent animals. I also do not agree with the comment that hunting is a nicer way to control the animal population, I really don't think there needs to be a way to control the animal population. No-one is killing off humans because there are too many of them in the world, so why kill off animals?

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